List of Phobias & What Fears

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S.No Phobia Fear
1 Achluophobia Fear of darkness
2 Acrophobia Fear of heights
3 Aerophobia Fear of flying
4 Agoraphobia Fear of open or crowded spaces
5 Aichmophobia Fear of needles or pointed objects
6 Amaxophobia Fear of riding in a car
7 Androphobia Fear of men
8 Anginophobia Fear of angina or choking
9 Anthophobia Fear of flowers
10 Anthropophobia Fear of people or society
11 Aquaphobia Fear of water
12 Arachnophobia Fear of spiders
13 Astraphobia Fear of thunder and lightning
14 Atelophobia Fear of imperfection
15 Atychiphobia Fear of failure
16 Automatonophobia Fear of human-like figures
17 Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria
18 Barophobia Fear of gravity
19 Bathmophobia Fear of stairs or steep slopes
20 Bibliophobia Fear of books
21 Botanophobia Fear of plants
22 Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed
23 Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors
24 Chemophobia Fear of chemicals or chemistry
25 Chorophobia Fear of dancing
26 Chromophobia Fear of colors
27 Chronophobia Fear of time
28 Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
29 Coulrophobia Fear of clowns
30 Cyberphobia Fear of computers or working on a computer
31 Cynophobia Fear of dogs
32 Dendrophobia Fear of trees
33 Dentophobia Fear of dentists
34 Didaskaleinophobia Fear of school
35 Emetophobia Fear of vomiting
36 Entomophobia Fear of insects
37 Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers
38 Erythrophobia Fear of blushing
39 Gamophobia Fear of marriage
40 Genophobia Fear of sex
41 Glossophobia Fear of public speaking
42 Heliophobia Fear of the sun
43 Hematophobia Fear of blood
44 Hydrophobia Fear of water
45 Hypochondriasis Fear of illness
46 Iatrophobia Fear of doctors
47 Ichthyophobia Fear of fish
48 Insectophobia Fear of insects
49 Kinetophobia Fear of movement
50 Koumpounophobia Fear of buttons
These phobias cover a wide range of fears and are commonly referenced in psychological contexts, making them useful for exams.

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